For Better Life 1-4)Anxiety : The psychology humans avoid the most

  For Better Life 1-4)Anxiety : The psychology  humans avoid the most The psychology that the humans avoid the most is Anxiety In korea, there is saying that it is Monday blues Monday blues. Many people should feel it When it's evening of Sunday, many people feel blue. It is called Monday Blues. It is that. People don't like to work, and Anxiety Amplify that. And the cause of it is kind of anxiety And the psychology that psychologists choose the most hated by humans is anxiety. What is its definition? Anxiety : Unpleasent feeling that occurs when you have unwanted thoughts of feeling Anxiety, it makes people hard    Why the anxiety is worst? It acts as an amplifier for other negative emotions            Anxiety boosts your bad emtions Anxiety - Non Tradeable Value(ex- faith or love) A little possibility that n-t-v can go wrong create tremendous anxiety. The range may appear deep, but it may also appear wide. It may spread at a high spe...
For Better Life 1-3)The tense of anger The tense of anger Sometimes, we faced anger(mine or other's). But we have experiences that we couldn't deal with anger. Why? Anger can cause serious problems One of the reasons, anger has some attributions, and they have different tenses.  What is anger ?   Anger  : It's state in which something was expected but  Expectation was miserabley damped.   Miserably Different tenses ?   1.Expectation : the PAST 2.Anger : the PRESENT If you find right answer, you must choose right way It means that. The present facts do not help defuse anger .  Because expectations have already made in the pasts.  So, to deal with anger, it is important to have good memories (from past) For example, a man of many good memories of the pasts : He will be fine. He can control anger But a man of few good memories of the past : He will be hard to control anger

For Better Life 1- 2) Distinguish between discomfort and loss.

Distinguish between Discomfort and Loss Why is important that distinguish between discomfort and loss ? Because different solutions can be found depending on what it is . The wrong solution can't be helpful and it can make your valuable resources be wasted. So let's learn about their definitions, first. Do you want to continue to suffer from the wrong solution?

For Better Life 1 - 1) Concentrate on emotion
